Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Details are Spotty...

Fuck. I'm spotting again.

I started having spotting issues back in June when I was training for my century (100 mile) ride. If I rode more than 10-20 miles, I'd come home to a little cramping and spotting. It'd go away in a few days. When I got to mile 62 on my century ride, I stopped for lunch and a bathroom break. There was a lot of spotting, and clots. Then I bled for the next 60+ days. I could've bought stock in Kotex.

I did a round of Provera to "reset" things and had a hellish period, followed by no blood - and then sex. I got to have sex that wasn't on a dark towel!! Then, I spotted again. I panicked, then thought it might be pre-ovulation spotting. It stopped. I rode my bike about 15 miles the other day and came home to spotting again. It hasn't stopped, and even gets worse when I exercise. Why me?

I'm an active person so this breaks my heart. I don't want to stop exercising but I also don't want to bleed anymore. When exercise = blood, it makes me want to curl up in comfy pants and do nothing. It's not really logical, but part of me thinks inactivity = no blood. That has yet to be true. RE visit is in a week. Still remaining positive, but I swear to god that I can't win, sometimes.

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