Saturday, November 10, 2012

Après l'ovulation, l'attendre.

Hello, two week wait. It's been a LONG time. Let the phantom symptoms and wild speculations begin! Honestly though, all that stuff started over a week ago. I'm presently 8 days past ovulation (DPO) and in full over-analysis mode.

I won't tell you what twin parts of me currently hurt like nothing else, but I've had vivid dreams since about 3 DPO - and that's a new one for me. Last night, the dream was that I took a pregnancy test but it was negative because there was glitter instead of a second line. Then I took a second test (positive) and was trying to take a picture of it to share on Facebook (why?) and my husband refused to let me use the macro setting on his camera. I complained because I told him the iPod would take shitty photos. So I was in a bad neighborhood under a street lamp with the test on the ground, trying to take a picture. Behind me, two guys were breaking in to a house.

I will undoubtedly test early, and you're free to judge me for that. Point is, I have the tests and I can do whatever I want. Maybe some people couldn't handle a BFN at 9 DPO but I can.

In the past two weeks I've lost about 6-7 pounds because of my new diet. I'm cutting out most "white carbs" and processed sugars, and watching my glycemic load. Aside from my more recent fatigue (after work and exercise to be fair) I have way more energy, and I definitely look better. If you have PCOS and need to lose weight, you may want to look into this way of eating. I'm still trying to integrate more veggies and fruits, though. I'm thinking that I will get more in to smoothies (ones that *I* make) once we're settled in our new place.

RE appointment next week to discuss my bloodwork (FINALLY).


  1. Glitter HPT!! Haha. I'm sure some of the noobs on ttgp would enjoy that ;)

    This is pgermain11 btw, being a stalker mc.stalker pants.

    Wishing you lots of glittery positive lines!!

  2. I have everything crossed for you. <3

  3. Vous avez fait des rêves très drôles. FX for you! ~stalker dar
