Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Not All Pink & White

I don't know how much stock (if any) someone taking Clomid should put into their chart. I've heard people say that it can really affect your temperatures - but the two cycles I've temped for on Clomid were the most sane looking charts I have ever personally had.

If you believed Fertility Friend I'd be 21 days past ovulation, and I'm not. It doesn't appear that I responded favorably to the Clomid this time around, and that seems to be my experience for a second consecutive cycle. I wonder if there's any logic behind someone's reproductive system becoming "complacent" on fertility meds. Note that we never changed dosages (always 50 mg).

Cycle 1: Ovulation on CD11
Cycle 2: No response. Provera used.

Then, there was a break where I got fed up with drugs and TTC.

Cycle 3: Ovulation on/around CD23
Cycle 4: No response.

The RE asked if I wanted additional ultrasounds for this cycle and I declined. I have no pain, no discomfort and nothing that would lead me to believe there's a problem. We'll likely go with Provera to reset (if I don't, my lining will be INSANE next cycle) but I'm waiting on that phone call so we can discuss options for Cycle #10.

I am considering Clomid with a trigger and timed intercourse for the next cycle. I have never used a trigger, and am assuming at this point that the trigger shot will be completely out of pocket for me. The fertility clinic codes all monitoring appointments as infertility testing, so they're covered. If I ever have to do an IUI, the actual IUI will be out of pocket but the ultrasounds would be covered. I'm waiting on a call back from my RE to discuss another consultation appointment and how to set everything else up.

Finally, I think it's about time I had some procedures done that didn't involve violation of my reproductive organs and canals. I'm giving serious thought to a spa day for myself, complete with waxing (this is why I specific which "violations" I'd settle for), hair color/cut and massage, mani & pedi too... The works (once I get past the sticker shock of how much money that entails!!).

In all honesty though, I'm tired of the shit.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you aren't responding to the Clomid. :(

    I am on my first cycle with Clomid and I have a shrinking follie. Why can't our bodies just get with it!!

    We are 100% OOP on treatments and meds too. My trigger cost about $120.00, just to give you an idea.

    A spa day sounds AMAZING!!! :)
