Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Little Follie That Should


My first follicle check was this morning. I braved freezing temperatures on a bicycle and rode the mile to the clinic. There's a monitor on the wall, so I can see what they're doing and I notice that she measures a follicle on the left side. I asked her how big it was and she said 6 millimeters.
Say what, now? Only 6 millimeters? Come on girls, you can do better than that. None of the other follies were measurable. She marked the left as having 20 less than 10mm, and the right as having 15 less than 10mm. My lining was a 7.8 and she said that was on par with someone at cycle day 12, so that's good to know that the Clomid hasn't destroyed my lining. She told me the RE would get faxed copies of my ultrasound images and they'd call me in the afternoon.
When the nurse called this afternoon, she explained that I have "boatloads of follicles" but did not mention the 6mm follie. I have to go back Monday (CD16) for a repeat ultrasound. If I ovulate, I usually do it a little later in the game so for now, I'll keep using ovulation tests and hope for better results on Monday. I hope at least one of them grows.
I think they can.
I think they can.
I think they can.
I think they can.

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