Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Treat Me Like a Red-Headed Stair-Step Cycle

I can sit here and tell you that I've had zero ill effects from the Clomid I've been taking, but I just yelled "You motherfucker!" at a video game just now.

...It was Katamari Damacy.


 Yeah, so I might have a touch of the Clo-zilla in me. Thankfully, I manage to keep it under wraps most of the time. I've just returned from a two day getaway in Amish country (it was WONDERFUL) so I'm feeling relaxed and full of carbohydrates made lovingly the old-fashioned way.

I had another ultrasound on Monday (CD 16) for those of you following my saga. I did Clomid (100 mg) on cycle days 5-9. I had my first follicle check on CD 12 with nothing over 10mm. Plenty of follicles, none measurable. I went back Monday only to find out that yet again, I had not responded at all. There was no development on the 15 or so follicles they'd found on each ovary. I was at a local market having lunch when I got the call from the RE's office about my uneventful ultrasound.

They said that they wanted to stimulate me more, and that they'd like it if I started Clomid (200 mg!) again that night, and then take it for 7 days instead of 5 (double wow). I was minutes away from going to a place where I would have no phone and no internet for 2-3 days, the fact that I received the call at that moment was serendipitous. They were able to phone the prescription in to a pharmacy that was on my way out of town.

Since this is my second round of Clomid in the same cycle, my RE refe

So here I am, day 3 of 7 days of mega-Clomid. Really, not much to report. In a stupid way, I wish I had some symptoms - some indication that SOMETHING was working. If a week of 200mg Clomid doesn't get me to have some good follicles, I don't know what will.


  1. I am sorry that you didn't respond to the first round of clomid, but glad you were able to get the call to up the dose and keep it going. When will they check you again for growth?

    1. March 13th. I'm excited to go back but am terrified that once again, there will be no response. I didn't respond last cycle either, but decided to throw in the towel instead of pursue another option.

      The first Clomid cycle I did with the RE was actually pretty textbook, everything happened when it was supposed to happen. It boggles the mind.
