Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Redundant Stream of Consciousness Stream of Consciousness.

I feel like I've got to re-visit something, and I highly encourage you to spread this message far and wide.

Don't tell someone who has chosen to share with you that they're trying to get pregnant that they should just relax, and it will happen.



Batman says NO. False hope really sucks. What you're doing, is gambling with someone's emotions and you conveniently don't have to deal with the possible, and really - if we're going to talk stats - likely emotional fallout. You drop a kissy-bomb of good intentions on your friend and you get to walk away. You have no idea what you've actually done.

I'll say this now, and maybe one day I'll show it to this person:

I am on my 5th cycle this year. 

They are all over 45 days in length.

The longest to date is 51 days. 

I am on CD44 today. I might have EWCM today, but I don't have any ovulation tests. 

I'm actually less angry/frustrated with my long cycles than I am with people who tell others to "relax", if only because it means that my body is doing something it's supposed to be doing. As far as trying to get pregnant overall, it's been almost two years.

If you do that to your friends and are reading this, you really suck and I hope one of them finally gets tired of your shit and calls you on it, and I hope you feel bad - I can almost promise that your embarrassment and regret pales in comparison to how the other party feels after they've peed on their hundredth pregnancy test, only to have it come up negative, again.

I really don't even care if it happened that way for you and you feel the urge to spread your gospel to the world. It's great, I'm thrilled for you - no, really. But shut the fuck up already.

I'm done with the "break" cycles - my bicycling season is mostly over and I plan to go back to the RE (I found a new one) in a couple of weeks. Waiting sucks.